Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Pickpocket (Compo) Revision 7

"Ring!Ring!"The alarm clock rang.I groped around trying to find my spectacles to have a look on the calender."YES! There's an huge electronic and I.T. exhibition !" I exclaimed as the excitement
rolled over me in waves.I sprang to the kitchen to have a quick breakfast-I gulped down a bowl of
cereal and started to get change.

After getting changed up for the 'Huge Electronic and I.T. exhibition',I set off with high spirits. When I was walking , my way to the 'Huge Electronic and I.T. exhibition' I hummed my favourite tune.

When I arrived at the Huge Electronic and I.T. exhibition, the exhibition was crammed with hordes of shoppers.The shoppers were bustling among the racks and shelves, examining item after item and comparing prices.The place was packed with bargain hunters thronged the
exhibition hall.

I scanned around the Huge Electronic and I.T. exhibition for the electronic side.'To go to the electronic side...Please turn Left...'"Excuse me! Sorry! Excuse me! Oops! Sorry!"I muttered
as I jostled my way through the crowd."There will be a fifty percent discount only for this one hour.Shoppers flocked to the electronic corner upon hearing news that there's a fifty percent discount at the electronic corner.I quickened my pace to outrun the other shoppers.

Out of the corner of my eyes,I saw somebody in a black shirt and pants behaving suspiciously-in a weird manner.Curiosity started boiling in me.I decided to have a closer look at him.Realisation hit me like a twenty pound sledgehammer as the man in black grabbed an item off the shelf and placed it in it's pocket.My jaws dropped.I froze.

After I regained my consciousness,I ran as fast as my legs could carry me and reported to the
security guard.Suddenly, the alarm set off!"It should be the theft!" I told the security guard.
We dash to the entrance of the exhibition as fast as we would.

Without any much delay we arrived at the entrance of the exhibition, we managed to pinned down the pickpocket with the help of some passer-by.One of the passer-by called the police hot-line and not long after the pickpocket has been arrested and was sent to jail for four years.
Some passer-by and I were rewarded the medal for being thoughtful and helping the police
to pin down the suspect.

After the unfortunate accident,we continued to shop for items.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like the storyline but there are some mistakes and its not that clear you know... i think that you should change some parts.