Thursday, September 18, 2008

Cheating During Examination (Compo) Revision2 (Part 2)

During that period of time, when I was sitting outside the class corridor,I tried to fight back my tears, my tears flowed down my cheeks and dripped on my shorts.After sobbing for an hour or so,
an idea struck my head , I decided to seek revenge on John...

"Ring..Ring!!"the stop watch sounded."Put down your pens."Miss Tan said as she collected our
exam papers.After finishing collecting the exam papers,Miss Tan told us to line up for recess.
My good friend,Tom patted me on the shoulder and said "Wanna take revenge on John?".Wiping
away the tear with my hand,I forced a faint smile and said "Yes!"

"Yes!The newest brand of books has been released, and it's at the school library, better walk faster or the books will be borrowed away by other students."John whispered to himself as he quickened his pace."Stand right there! John !" I yelled at him as my friend Tom followed closely behind me."I made a quick dash toward him and snatched off his spectacles.John's spectacles
flew off his face and landed on the ground "Oh no my spectacles's glasses,it's broken !!!You are so gotta pay for that!"John screamed as he picked himself up.John's face turned red with angry,
he gave me a forceful kick , "Ouch!" I yelled.Tom sent his fist flying in his direction, it hit hard on
his face."Let's go Peter , we have finished our jobs !" Tom said as we both walked to the hall.

After twenty minutes of studying maths, a announcement sounded ,"A very very good morning
to all of you, Peter and Tom please report to the principal office now."Upon hearing the announcement we both raised our shoulders and walked with great speed to the principal office.

When we arrived outside the principal office,we pushed each other, not wanting to open the door.
I took at a deep breath and push open the door."Have a seat."Mr Ng said seriously.There's an
pause."So explain what you both have done during recess?"Mr Ng said as he raised on of his eyebrows.We both have no other reasons but to plead guilty."I'm afraid I have got to expel both of you."Mr Ng said.My jaws dropped.Tom froze in fear.

Now I was sobbing in my bed crying aloud.When suddenly my mother knocked on the door "Knock ! Knock! Hey Peter great news!" My mother beamed."Don't come in ,unless I am not expelled from school!" I screamed as I threw my pillow at the door."You are not expelled from school after all !" My mother cheered."Really? All right !" I exploded into giggles.

Going back to school, I realized John was the one who plead with Mr. Ng to give me one more chance.I was so touched that my tears flowed freely down my cheeks,from then on we had been good friends and always hang out together.

1 comment:

tsooc said...

Dear Gladwin,

Good try to apply what you have learnt. I like your first and last paragraph.

Take note of the following:
- It wasn't clear why you wanted to see revenge because you started your story during your punishment.
You can write one more paragraph after the first paragraph to recall what had happened to bring about the punishment so that we know the reason.
- When you use I in your story, you will not be able to describe others' thoughts and feelings. However, you can still describe others' actions and facial expressions.
-Last second paragraph, the giggles is too fast esp after such crying.