Monday, September 22, 2008

A Car Chase (Compo) Revision5

"Hey John! Catch !"I yelled as I threw the ball towards him.Suddenly,wails of siren started in the
distance.As the siren got louder and louder, we tossed our balls aside and ran towards the school
fence.We were jostling each other for a better view.

"Come back here!"A frantic Miss Tan, our 'PE' teacher snapped as she trailed behind us.We clung
onto the school fence.Out of a sudden, a motorcycle skidded past the road."Whizzed!"I clasped my hands on my ears.The man sitting behind the driver of the motorcycle was holding on to a black
briefcase tightly.A police car whizzed past.

Out of the blue, the black briefcase which the man was holding, slipped off his hands and landed on the ground.The motorcycle turned a 'U' turn and the man which is seated at the back out of motorcycle leaped out of the motorcycle and grabbed the briefcase but unfortunately, when the man which is seated at the back of the motorcycle had a cut on his legs, and soon was being arrested by the police.The black briefcase had been brought back to the police station for
checking.The other man seated at the front had been arrested too.

Not long after, our discipline master came stomping into the field and called all of ours to return to our own classes.We paced to our class.I heaved a sigh of relief,"Luckily, the robbers were caught by the police."After a couple of days, the news had been reported by the newscasters and were said to be jailed for five to seven years or so, to be caned sevens stroke.

1 comment:

tsooc said...

Dear Glad,

Your story started well. Good. You can also describe how the pillion rider got the cut on his leg. Focus on writing clear sentences to improve.