Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Cheating During Examination (Compo) Revision2 (Part 1)

"Ah...examination day..already?!"I yawned as i got off my bed.I slip my feet into my slippers and
I shuffled to the restroom to washed my face and to brush my teeth.I groped around ,trying to find my spectacles.After wearing my spectacles, I grabbed a sandwich and dash off to school.

When I arrived at school, I flipped throught my science textbook trying to get all the information into my brain, but my mind just shown a blank.After much tries, I decided to cheat for the examination. I tore off the pages from the textbook and placed it in my pocket.

"It's about 8.00 a.m. can start your 'Science Examination Paper 2' "said Miss Tan."Ha! I am so confidience that I will have a better grade !" I wondered to myself.At section 'A' it was
quite easy.After that , when I arrived at section 'b' i saw one question have the same explanation
as the textbook 's explanation.I look around and when nobody was noticing me , I fished out the textbook's page and started writing furiously.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw John raising up his hand.Miss Tan went towards him and asked him what had happened and John told him that I was cheating.

Miss Tan walked towards me."Come Here!"Miss Tan barked.Miss Tan unblinking eyes flashed with anger.Seething with rage ,she shrieked as she pointed at the door,"Get Out!"In her fury,
she tore my Science Examination Paper2 into halves,then quarters and finally reduced it to a million fragments.

1 comment:

tsooc said...

Dear Gladwin,

Is this the beginning of the next story? Your description has improved. Good. I am also glad that you used other good phrases of your own to write your own version.

It is a bit weird to decide to cheat even before the exam. Why don't you change the idea? eg you can say that you slip the paper into your pocket during revision and forgot to empty it. Then during the exam, you were tempted to cheat and did so.