Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Pickpocket (Compo) Revision 7

"Ring!Ring!"The alarm clock rang.I groped around trying to find my spectacles to have a look on the calender."YES! There's an huge electronic and I.T. exhibition !" I exclaimed as the excitement
rolled over me in waves.I sprang to the kitchen to have a quick breakfast-I gulped down a bowl of
cereal and started to get change.

After getting changed up for the 'Huge Electronic and I.T. exhibition',I set off with high spirits. When I was walking , my way to the 'Huge Electronic and I.T. exhibition' I hummed my favourite tune.

When I arrived at the Huge Electronic and I.T. exhibition, the exhibition was crammed with hordes of shoppers.The shoppers were bustling among the racks and shelves, examining item after item and comparing prices.The place was packed with bargain hunters thronged the
exhibition hall.

I scanned around the Huge Electronic and I.T. exhibition for the electronic side.'To go to the electronic side...Please turn Left...'"Excuse me! Sorry! Excuse me! Oops! Sorry!"I muttered
as I jostled my way through the crowd."There will be a fifty percent discount only for this one hour.Shoppers flocked to the electronic corner upon hearing news that there's a fifty percent discount at the electronic corner.I quickened my pace to outrun the other shoppers.

Out of the corner of my eyes,I saw somebody in a black shirt and pants behaving suspiciously-in a weird manner.Curiosity started boiling in me.I decided to have a closer look at him.Realisation hit me like a twenty pound sledgehammer as the man in black grabbed an item off the shelf and placed it in it's pocket.My jaws dropped.I froze.

After I regained my consciousness,I ran as fast as my legs could carry me and reported to the
security guard.Suddenly, the alarm set off!"It should be the theft!" I told the security guard.
We dash to the entrance of the exhibition as fast as we would.

Without any much delay we arrived at the entrance of the exhibition, we managed to pinned down the pickpocket with the help of some passer-by.One of the passer-by called the police hot-line and not long after the pickpocket has been arrested and was sent to jail for four years.
Some passer-by and I were rewarded the medal for being thoughtful and helping the police
to pin down the suspect.

After the unfortunate accident,we continued to shop for items.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Trick (Compo) Revision6

"Ring!!"The alarm clock rang."Ah.h..h.."I yawned as I stretched my hands about.I rolled my body to the other side of the bed and 'off' the ringing sound of the alarm clock."What 6.30am?! Saturday?!"I stammered as I hugged my pillow, trying to fall back into my dreamland.

I was unable to sleep as the ringing of the alarm clock, keeps repeating itself in my mind.Ring!Ring!I shuffled my way to the kitchen to drink a cup of water.When I was walking back to my bedroom, out of the corner of my eyes, I saw a shadow cast over me.I twisted my body.There was bearing a soul.I laughed at myself "Ha ha.What was I thinking..."I continued to walk to my bedroom,when, suddenly, my notorious brother,Tom sprang out from his bedroom.He took out a straw from his pocket and started shooting paper ball at me."Ha!Ha!Come and get me!"Tom said mockingly.

My face turned red with anger.I turned around and glared at him with bulging eyes.Tom shook
his fists and bared his teeth in an ugly snarl.Tom rushed over and gave me a forceful kick. "Ouch!"I screeched.Seething with rage, I rained torrents of abuse on Tom.Tom cried as his tears
rolled down his cheeks.Tom stormed off and slammed the door with a loud bang."And there's how you do it!"I chuckled to myself.

Tom buried his face with his hands.Wiping away tears from his face, an idea suddenly struck his head-a plot.After hours of planning in his room.He opened the door 'creak..' the slowly opened.
Tom dash to the kitchen to have a quick bite on his lunch, and started putting the things he need
around the house.Having placed the items, Tom had a surprise for me and came to knock on my door."Knock!Knock!"I flung the door open "BANG!"Tom gave me the puppy dog's eyes which is
kind of cute which attracts me.Tom said "I felt sorry about just now and I have a surprise for you! Come!" I erupted into cheers.

When I opened the door."Ahh!!!Get it out me?!Pop-corns?!Disgusting!"I barked.I decided not to fight back and I dash back to my toilet and grabbed all the 'pop-corns' off my hair.I spent three
whole days plucking the 'pop-corns' off my hair.

"What a Trick!"I murmured to myself.

Monday, September 22, 2008

A Car Chase (Compo) Revision5

"Hey John! Catch !"I yelled as I threw the ball towards him.Suddenly,wails of siren started in the
distance.As the siren got louder and louder, we tossed our balls aside and ran towards the school
fence.We were jostling each other for a better view.

"Come back here!"A frantic Miss Tan, our 'PE' teacher snapped as she trailed behind us.We clung
onto the school fence.Out of a sudden, a motorcycle skidded past the road."Whizzed!"I clasped my hands on my ears.The man sitting behind the driver of the motorcycle was holding on to a black
briefcase tightly.A police car whizzed past.

Out of the blue, the black briefcase which the man was holding, slipped off his hands and landed on the ground.The motorcycle turned a 'U' turn and the man which is seated at the back out of motorcycle leaped out of the motorcycle and grabbed the briefcase but unfortunately, when the man which is seated at the back of the motorcycle had a cut on his legs, and soon was being arrested by the police.The black briefcase had been brought back to the police station for
checking.The other man seated at the front had been arrested too.

Not long after, our discipline master came stomping into the field and called all of ours to return to our own classes.We paced to our class.I heaved a sigh of relief,"Luckily, the robbers were caught by the police."After a couple of days, the news had been reported by the newscasters and were said to be jailed for five to seven years or so, to be caned sevens stroke.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Fight (Compo) Revision4

"Sit down and read your storybooks while I go and photocopy some worksheets!" Miss Tan snapped as she walked out of the class.I took out my storybook and started reading.Not long after,
something hit my neck hard."Yuck ! Disgusting! A wet paper ball.."I pull off it and threw it into the rubbish bin.The next wet paper ball was launched.My face turned red with anger."Who threw that
paper ball ?!"I yelled.John made a ugly sneer."Why you?!"I yelled.

Silence rent the air.Our Argument get heated by the minute.Soon, a fight broke up.I sent a rolling kick towards John ,he dodged,instead of kicking John,I kicked Peter.Peter growled in pain.John gave me a punch which shove me towards
the table.Fresh blood oozed out."That should finish it !"John beamed.When John is not aware of me,I gave him a forceful kick on the feet which let him fall flat on the floor.

When we heard Miss Tan's footstep,we rushed back to our places and arranged back the chairs and the tables.We pretended nothing had happened but Peter told Miss Tan all about it and
John and I were punished for fighting in class when Miss Tan's not in class.

John and I ,both stay back at school to read our storybook and Miss Tan will come up to class to check on us for the whole of this week.From then on , John and I have been very good friends.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fire (Compo) Revision3

"Bomb! Bomb! Oh no !Fire Fire ! There's fire?!"The characters in the television screamed as he waved his hand high up in the air.I was so engrossed in watching the television that I did not even notice my baby sister crawling out of her bed."To be continued..."The narrator said.

I clicked the buttons on the remote control "Click Click" the channels change.Nice show.I put down the remote control and watched.After an hour or so, I felt thirsty and shuffled my way towards the
kitchen to have a can of coke.My jaws dropped."Give that to me !"I snapped as I snatched away the match box away from my little sister.I heaved a sigh of relief, placed it on my computer desk
and shuffled my way back to the kitchen to have a can of coke.

My Little sister pull out the drawer from the kitchen drawer and took out a match box.She lifted up the cover of the matchbox and took out a match from it.She placed it in her hands and swing
it to and fro. Out of the blue, she placed the match at the side of the match box and rubbed against it.A bright flame sparked out."Ouch!"My baby sister screeched and threw the match stick on to a stack of newspaper.

Black thick smoke came out of the kitchen.I paced to the kitchen to have a closer look on it.I froze in fear."A.a.a...?!"I stammered.Fiery fire spread around the kitchen. The fire danced merrily celebrating about their capture.My mind flashed a piece of blank.Suddenly,an idea struck my head.

I dash to the dining room and punched in the digits '995' for the fire fighters hot-line .

Without any delay,the fire fighters arrived at the scene,they gave me the warning and the things
we need to do.We both followed the things we need to do and "Yes! We have been saved !" I erupted in cheers.

Cheating During Examination (Compo) Revision2 (Part 2)

During that period of time, when I was sitting outside the class corridor,I tried to fight back my tears, my tears flowed down my cheeks and dripped on my shorts.After sobbing for an hour or so,
an idea struck my head , I decided to seek revenge on John...

"Ring..Ring!!"the stop watch sounded."Put down your pens."Miss Tan said as she collected our
exam papers.After finishing collecting the exam papers,Miss Tan told us to line up for recess.
My good friend,Tom patted me on the shoulder and said "Wanna take revenge on John?".Wiping
away the tear with my hand,I forced a faint smile and said "Yes!"

"Yes!The newest brand of books has been released, and it's at the school library, better walk faster or the books will be borrowed away by other students."John whispered to himself as he quickened his pace."Stand right there! John !" I yelled at him as my friend Tom followed closely behind me."I made a quick dash toward him and snatched off his spectacles.John's spectacles
flew off his face and landed on the ground "Oh no my spectacles's glasses,it's broken !!!You are so gotta pay for that!"John screamed as he picked himself up.John's face turned red with angry,
he gave me a forceful kick , "Ouch!" I yelled.Tom sent his fist flying in his direction, it hit hard on
his face."Let's go Peter , we have finished our jobs !" Tom said as we both walked to the hall.

After twenty minutes of studying maths, a announcement sounded ,"A very very good morning
to all of you, Peter and Tom please report to the principal office now."Upon hearing the announcement we both raised our shoulders and walked with great speed to the principal office.

When we arrived outside the principal office,we pushed each other, not wanting to open the door.
I took at a deep breath and push open the door."Have a seat."Mr Ng said seriously.There's an
pause."So explain what you both have done during recess?"Mr Ng said as he raised on of his eyebrows.We both have no other reasons but to plead guilty."I'm afraid I have got to expel both of you."Mr Ng said.My jaws dropped.Tom froze in fear.

Now I was sobbing in my bed crying aloud.When suddenly my mother knocked on the door "Knock ! Knock! Hey Peter great news!" My mother beamed."Don't come in ,unless I am not expelled from school!" I screamed as I threw my pillow at the door."You are not expelled from school after all !" My mother cheered."Really? All right !" I exploded into giggles.

Going back to school, I realized John was the one who plead with Mr. Ng to give me one more chance.I was so touched that my tears flowed freely down my cheeks,from then on we had been good friends and always hang out together.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Cheating During Examination (Compo) Revision2 (Part 1)

"Ah...examination day..already?!"I yawned as i got off my bed.I slip my feet into my slippers and
I shuffled to the restroom to washed my face and to brush my teeth.I groped around ,trying to find my spectacles.After wearing my spectacles, I grabbed a sandwich and dash off to school.

When I arrived at school, I flipped throught my science textbook trying to get all the information into my brain, but my mind just shown a blank.After much tries, I decided to cheat for the examination. I tore off the pages from the textbook and placed it in my pocket.

"It's about 8.00 a.m. ......you can start your 'Science Examination Paper 2' "said Miss Tan."Ha! I am so confidience that I will have a better grade !" I wondered to myself.At section 'A' it was
quite easy.After that , when I arrived at section 'b' i saw one question have the same explanation
as the textbook 's explanation.I look around and when nobody was noticing me , I fished out the textbook's page and started writing furiously.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw John raising up his hand.Miss Tan went towards him and asked him what had happened and John told him that I was cheating.

Miss Tan walked towards me."Come Here!"Miss Tan barked.Miss Tan unblinking eyes flashed with anger.Seething with rage ,she shrieked as she pointed at the door,"Get Out!"In her fury,
she tore my Science Examination Paper2 into halves,then quarters and finally reduced it to a million fragments.

Kidnapped (Compo) Revision1

It was a cool and breezy night.I was going home after my tuition, it was about 10.00 p.m. the sky soon turned pinch dark.When I walked along the path, I heard the sound of an owl "Hoot,
Hoot ."I scanned around .A huge shadow loomed over me.

When I twisted my body,there're nothing there expect a rat looking right in my eye.I continued to walk.Recalling that, there's a short cut.I walked to the dark alley which soon will lead me to
my house.When I arrived at the dark alley, a weird smell entered my nose.

After a few minutes,there's a rustling sound coming from the bushes.I quickened my foot steps.
From the corner of my eyes, I saw a man with a black beanie advancing on me.I dash madly
and screamed so loudly that the black crow on the top of the roof flew off in a hurry.

The man with a black beanie seemed to catch up.Not long after, he caught up with me, he slapped me with a water towel ,soon, I fainted.

"Oo..hh.h...where...am i ?"I asked as I try to figure out the image of the rusty room.Dust covered
every inch of the room.Spider webs are spinned on the rocking chair.Suddenly, the door flung
opened "BANG!" I had a rude shock.

"Oh poor girl...are you hungry?"the man said as he and a plump man walked nearer to me and waved a delicious looking hamburger at me.""Your father better give us 'Ten Thousand Dollars'
or you will be dead !" he said as he threw a bottle of empty beer beside me.I froze in fear.Both men walked out of the room and said "Don't go any where ,okay?We are just out to buy some
beers to celebrate,ha!"

I scanned around the room trying to find a sharp object.Having found the glass from the bottle of
beer they threw.I hopped to the glass shards with the rusty rope tied to the chair.I picked up the glass shards and cut the rope."Yes! It works!" I beamed as I leapt up.

I opened the rusty door opener and search if there's any sign of the two hooligans.Seeing that there's no signof them ,I ran as fast as my legs would carry me.Upon seeing the telephone booth
,I sloted in my card and punched in the numbers.

The ringing tone was music to my ears."Oh Mum, can you come and fetch me, I'm at 'Street 21'
,come quick!" I said as I stepping my feet hard on the ground.

"Why did you come home so late?"Mum said weirdy."Long Story."I replied.

Soon, the kidnappers were caught and were put behind bars.We all heaved a sigh of relief and
felt relieved after the news appeared on 'Television'.