Tuesday, June 9, 2009

~News And Opinions~ (Week 1)

Hey EveryOne~ Welcome to my Bl0g!! Please Comment after you have read finish...
Elder Abuse Cases 'May Rise With The Recession'
Elder Abuse cases are rising with the recessions. Most common are physical abuse and neglect; financial abuse are also on the rise. In the downturn, some struggling couples with young children might neglect the needs of elderly family members, including their medical and basic needs. Last year, 145 reported elder abuse case, down from 168 in 2007. "When people are under pressure and financially strapped, there is a higher chance that they will neglect the elderly..." Ms Helen Ko, executive director of the Centre For Seniors said. The Government sees
three reasons for the elder abuse. First, some adults children are unwilling to look after their aged parents because they claim, the latter had been negligent parents."They saw their own actions now as retribution." Second, there are adult children or relatives with addiction problem such as drugs, gambling and alcohol. They may turn violent and take it out on the elderly. Finally, caregiver stress may lead to elder abuse. These caregivers have trouble coping with the elderly, who are often with medical conditions, and in frustration, turn violent.

Now For the Opinions:
I think that it is very WRONG to abuse the elderly as it is immoral and wrong! We should watch our ACTions as later on in your life your children Might do the same thing to you and that is called 'RETRIBUTION'!!! We should all care for the elderly and be filial to them. I think we should also build good and long lasting relationship within the family and so it will prevent the abusing of the elderly to rise. I think that the Government should also educate the public and to alert those caregivers. Another thing that I think that is with more education, we will be smarter and we will care more for the elderly- in some ways...

DONE!! Please Comment~After Reading~ XP ~ (^(00)^)


junhao(: said...

I think that u r correct,as some people neglect the elderly who stays with them.I also think that the goverment should arange some schemes about financial assitance for the elderly. If this keeps going on the elderly would suffer and more and more people will start to negect the elderly.But I think that the way u say retribution of the elderly getting neglected is wrong as that would be saying that that is superstitious

aurora said...

Well done for the good effort you had put in!

Other points you can add in:
-What can be done to build good and long lasting relationship in the family?(eg. having family picnic together or playing games)
-You can also have mentioned that it is your elders who have taken care of you so it is only right to be filial to them.
-You can also say that these teenagers should seek help from their cousellors instead of venting their anger on their parents.

Andy.L said...

You are correct that we should not abuse elderly and should treat them well.No questions to give you...