Wednesday, December 24, 2008

News And Opinions...

1.In 2009, charities are bracing themselves for the worst year, 2009. Corporate funding dip into
the last quarter of 2008. The red cross says they would be expecting the donation to fall by at least 20 percent in 2009.The Singapore Red Cross raised S$180,000 late February this year-2008.The Red Cross' annual operation costs up to about S$6Million, S$3.5 Million is coming from the government.

I think lesser people will donate money to the charities as the Singapore Kidney Foundation chairman Richard Yong was found laundering money.I would like to donate money to the charities if they are honest not laundering the money.

2.Singapore Flyer stopped spinning in the afternoon.It stopped for about 7Hours.7People were rescued out from the cabin.It has been the second time the flyer stopped spinning.The
first time was at July.143People were struck in the flyer.Some tourists were struck in the flyer and missed the flight and had to take the other flight.Some tourists or locals were
hungry and tired, some even pass out their waste in the cabin.On that day, there's a wedding
going on at the flyer and they said they are very lucky they did not went in the flyer and got

I think that I were very lucky not to be struck up there in the flyer and had go hungry for several hours and had to bear with the smelly smell of the waste in the cabin.I felt so lucky!
But if I were up there I would enjoy the nice view from the top of the flyer.But I would also said for a refund.

1 comment:

Dasuki is not here said...

The Singapore flyer lost a lot of money because of the technical problems. Some more not much tourists are visiting Singapore.