Wednesday, December 24, 2008

News And Opinions...

1.In 2009, charities are bracing themselves for the worst year, 2009. Corporate funding dip into
the last quarter of 2008. The red cross says they would be expecting the donation to fall by at least 20 percent in 2009.The Singapore Red Cross raised S$180,000 late February this year-2008.The Red Cross' annual operation costs up to about S$6Million, S$3.5 Million is coming from the government.

I think lesser people will donate money to the charities as the Singapore Kidney Foundation chairman Richard Yong was found laundering money.I would like to donate money to the charities if they are honest not laundering the money.

2.Singapore Flyer stopped spinning in the afternoon.It stopped for about 7Hours.7People were rescued out from the cabin.It has been the second time the flyer stopped spinning.The
first time was at July.143People were struck in the flyer.Some tourists were struck in the flyer and missed the flight and had to take the other flight.Some tourists or locals were
hungry and tired, some even pass out their waste in the cabin.On that day, there's a wedding
going on at the flyer and they said they are very lucky they did not went in the flyer and got

I think that I were very lucky not to be struck up there in the flyer and had go hungry for several hours and had to bear with the smelly smell of the waste in the cabin.I felt so lucky!
But if I were up there I would enjoy the nice view from the top of the flyer.But I would also said for a refund.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

News and Opinions...

1.The number of litterbugs caught has rise since the last two years.Over the 1050 offenders, 60 percent of the offenders are young people ages of 20 to 30 years old.In 2006, only 122 offenders were issued with the CWOs.S$37Million of taxpayers' money is spent each year for cleaning services on the streets.

I think they should not litter as it will make the environment very dirty, and the government will have to waste millions of money to hire cleaners to clean up the roads and streets, therefore if the government needs more money to hire cleaners, renter fees for the shop will increase, the owner of the shop will increase the prices of the things they sell, it will affect all of us. We should always keep the environment clean and green.

2.The wife of Singapore National Kidney Foundation chairman,Richard Yong was sentenced
in court on Tuesday after pleading guilty to money washing in Hong Kong.66, Madam On's
case has been postponed to Friday as the Judge needs more time to look through the documents. Madam On had pleaded guilty for helping his husband transferring US S$2.6Million from their joint account.Madam On faces a maximum jail term of 10 years
and a fine.

I think we should earn money honestly not to wash money and not cheat people's hard earned money.I think that Madam On should have a longer jail term and have a heavy
fine for she had done something dishonest; laundering money of National Kidney Foundation.If I were one of the people who donated money to the NKF, I would not donate
to them anymore money.

Monday, December 8, 2008

News And Opinions...

1.Four were buried alive, while 2,000 were trapped in Kuala Lumpur Landslide.The tragedy comes five days short of the anniversary on 1993's landslide which killed 48 people in that same area where the landslide happened.Shaiful Khas, aged 20 was one oof the four people who died in the disaster.When Shaiful Khas was recovered from the rubble, he was holding on to a ringing cellphone.14 Bungalows were crushed by the landslide.

It was a tradedy that the landslide happened, and it happened at 4 a.m in the morning when most of the people /residents are asleep.Boulders blocked every access road near the top of Bukit Antarabangsa.The rescue workers had to push the boulders off the access road and had to cut bushes and use ropes to help residents walk to safety.Some people had to cross over a small tiny bridge over a hude monsoon drain to reach the main road.I think that deforestation over undevelop area and the recent rain may cause landslide.

2.SMRT Bus drives off with four years old girl's leg trapped in the door.The bus driver accidentally shut the door on the girl's left leg and drove off.The driver was unaware of the situation, and the bus continued to move on, until until her grandmother banged on the door to get his attention.The girl's grandmother,56 years old suffered from abrasions on her knees as she held on to his grand daughther, preventing her grand daughter from dragging along the road.
After a metre or so, the bus driver stopped the bus, but did not offered any help.

The bus driver was unaware of the situation, and when he is aware of it, he did not offered any help or to send them to the hospital.That shows that he is not responsible and is a irresponsible person.But the bus driver claims that he offered them help and ask them if they want to go to the hospital but was turned down.The girl's grandmother said that the bus driver is telling a different story, and did not even mentioned the word 'Ambulance'.The girl's mother,Madam Tan
Loo Peng said,"We are not looking for compensation as we can always pay the medical fees ourselves.We are angry over the fact that the bus driver was very irresponsible!"The bus driver was fired.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

News And Opinions...

1.Anti government protests are still protesting in Bangkok's airport.There are more than 10,000 people stranded in Bangkok and can't take the flight back to their own countries as the airport is closed,the government has no choice but to send small vans to the city to bring the stranded tourists back to their country or send them to the another airport to take the other country's airport.

I think that we should not go to Bangkok as it's a very dangerous place.There are a lot of protestersprotesting in the Bangkok's airport, if we were unlucky we might get hurt or burnt,and if we were there, we would be stranded at Bangkok and had to wait for hours,queuing up for your turn to sit on the small van to go back to your own country.

2.Mumbai Terrorism attack.Mumbai 's two hotel has been attacked by terrorist.Both of the
hotel's attackers used bombs and machine guns.There are more than one hundred people died in the hotel.Ms Lo Hwei Yen,a lawyer lived in one of the hotel 17th floor.She was the first Singaporean to be shot died in the hotel and was being held hostage by the terrorists, the terrorist said that they will not kill women but to hold them hostage, but they break their promise when more policemen came to the hotel and surround them.The terrorists started shooting on the people who was held hostage(Most of the people held hostage were women).
Unfortunately,the terrorist shot just right throught Ms Lo Hwei Yen's head and fractured her skull.She was found died on the 10th floor.Luckily, some Singaporeans escaped from the hotel and arrived at the Singapore's airport safe and sound.

Mumbai(India)'s terrorist attack made many people afraid to go to Mumbai(India) for a holiday.
Ms Lo Hwei Yen's husband said that the last week when he and Ms Lo Hwei Yen was together was the best week of his life, the last phone call he received from Ms Lo Hwei Yen was that she was kept hostage.And he said she was a brave Singaporean.One of the Singaporean who survived and was now in Singapore just ran out of his room with his laptop on his hands and he ran as fast as his legs would carry him.The Singaporean surviver said that when each bomb goes off the building will shake.