Thursday, October 22, 2009

9 Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) Maths Questions And Their Solutions (2009)

Done by : gladwin (:


Question 1. (Also Known As the Chocolates and Sweets Question)
Jim bought some chocolates and gave half of it to Ken
Ken bought some sweets and gave half of it to Jim
Jim ate 12 sweets and Ken ate 18 chocolates
The ratio of Jim's sweets to chocolates became 1:7
The ratio of Ken's sweets to chocolates became 1:4
How many sweets did Ken buy?

Question 1
Solution by using algebra:

Let x be the number of sweets bought
Let y be the number of chocolates bought

He has x/2 -12 sweets
He has y/2 chocolates
And there are 7 times as many chocolates as there are sweets.

7(x/2-12) : y/2
14(x/2-12) : y
7x - 168 : y
7x -168 = y

He has x/2 sweets
He has y/2 -18 chocolates
And there are 4times as many chocolates as there are sweets.

y/2 -18 : 4(x/2)
y/2 - 18 :2x
y-36 : 4x
y=4x +36

Solving simultaneously and eliminating y
Make y the subject of formula for both equations, i.e.

7x - 168 = y
4x + 36 = y

7x - 168 = 4x +36
3x = 204
x = 204/3
= 68

Ken bought 68 sweets.
Question 1
Solution by doing it mentally:

Jim and Ken had the same number of chocolates after Jim gave half to Ken. And they had the same number of sweets after Ken have half to Jim.
Jim had 12 fewer sweets than Ken after he ate 12.
So Ken's 1 unit of sweets = Jim's 1 unit +12.
And so Ken's 1 : 4 = Jim's 1 unit +12sweets : Jim's 4units +48
After Ken ate 18 chocolates, Jim had 18 chocolates than Ken.
Jim has 7 units of chocolates, Ken has 4 units +48.
So 3units = 48+18
1unit = 66/3
Ken had 22 +12 =34sweets after giving half to Jim.
So he bought 34x2=68

Ken bought 68 sweets.
Question2 (Also Known As the Angle Question)
Given that ABCD is a square.
EF=BC=DA and AB=GH .. Hence, EG=EH=AB=H
EGH is a Equilateral Triangle.

Answer: 150'

Triangle EGH is a Equilateral Triangle.
Thus, one side of its triangle is 180'/3 =60'
Angle GEH = 60'/2 =30'
Triangle EGF is a isosceles. Hence, angle FGE= angle GFE = (180'-30')/2 =75'
Angle GFE = Angle HFE = 75'
Therefore, angle GFH = 75' x 2 = 150'

Angle GFH is 150'
Question 3 (Also Known As the Renting Computer Question)
6 Friends decided to rentcomputers from 2pm to 4.30pm.
While 4 of them were playing, the other two would watch.
If the cycle continues, and each of them played for equal number of numbers.
How many minutes will each person get to play?

Answer: 100 minutes
Question 3

From 2pm to 4.30pm
Time is 2hour 30minutes = 150minutes
4 x 150mins = 600mins
600mins/6people = 100mins

Each person get to play for 100mins.
Question 4 (Also Known As the Bicycle Race Question)
Mei and Lin were in a bicycle race.
Mei was travelling at a constant speed of 20km/h and they both did not change their speed.
When Lin completed half of the race, Mei was 3.5km ahead.
Mei completed the race at 10.45am.
What time did Lin complete the race?

Answer: 11.06am
Question 4

3.5km x 2 =7km
Speed =20km/h
7km= 7/20 X 1
0.35h = 21mins
Time when Lin complete the race= 10.45am +21mins
= 11.06am

Lin complete the race at 11.06am
Question 5 (Also Known As the Chocolate and Almond Cookies Question)
Sally baked some cookies to sell.
3/4 of them were chocolate cookies and the remaining were almond cookies.
After she sold 5/6 of the chocolate cookies and 210 almond cookies, she had 1/5 of the cookies
How many cookies did she sell?

Answer: 960

Convert the chocolate 3/4 to 30/40
Convert the almond 1/4 to 10/40

7units of almond is 210.
1unit of almond is 210/7 =30
32units of total number of cookies is 30 x 32 =960

She sells 960 cookies.
Question 6 (Also Known As the Curry Puff Question)
Curry Puff shop sells puffs at $0.80 each.
Buy 3 get the 4th one at half price.
If a customer has $50, how many curry puffs can he buy if he buys as many as he can?

Answer: 71 Curry Puffs
Question 6

First 3 Puffs= $0.80 x 3
= $2.40
4th Puff= $0.80/2
= $0.40
Total= $0.40 + $2.40
= $2.80

280/15= 17
17 x 4= 68
68/4= 17
17 x 2.80= $47.60
$50 - 47.60= $2.40
$2.40/$0.80= 3
68 + 3=71

He can buy 71 Curry Puffs
Question 7 (Also Known As the Balloon's String Question)
String of 2 big balloons is 90cm
String of 5 small balloons is 1.2m
If both strings are of the same length, there would be 105 more small balloons than the big balloons
How many balloons are there altogether?

Answer: 345
Question 7

120cm=2/3 x 4
=2 2/3

2.6667big = 1.2m
5small = 1.2m
5/2.6667 = 1.8749766
big : small = 1: 1.8749766
1.8749766 - 1 = 0.8749766
105/0.8749766 = 120
1.8749766 + 1 = 2.8749766
Total Number of Balloons = 120 x 2.8749766
= 345

There are 345 balloons altogether
Question 8 (Also Known As the Rice for Sale Question)
Shop A has 156kg of rice
Shop B has 72kg of rice
Each shop sold an equal amount of rice and after that, the ratio of the amount of rice left in their shop was 4 : 1.
Find out how much rice has been sold.

Answer: 44kg
Question 8

Since they sold an equal amount of rice, the original iffeerence remains the same.
The difference is 156kg - 72kg= 84kg.
Then, the ratio difference is 4units - 1unit = 3units.
Now, that 3units is 84kg, shop B now has left 1unit so it has 84kg/3 = 28kg
To find out the amount of rice sold, 72kg - 28kg = 44kg

The amount of rice sold is 44kg
Question 9 (Also Known As the Chairs in the hall Question)
6/14 of the chairs in the hall are in rows of 13
Half of the chairs in the hall are in rows of 7
There are 112 more chairs in rows of 7. The rest of the chairs are stacked up.
Find out the total numbers of chairs in the Hall.

Answer: 1568
Question 9

Most Of the information given is to fool you!!
All it says is...
6/14 chairs re in a group (You don't need to worry what are they in a group of)
1/2 chairs are in another group (1/2 = 7/14)

6/14 + 7/14
There are 112 chairs Left..
14units - 13units
1unit = 112
14units= 112 x 14 = 1568

There are a total of 1568 chairs in the hall.

Hope You Get All Correct For This 9 Questions found in Section C !!!
(: :D

LoL !!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Eclipse in Singapore~!!

There will be a Eclipse in Singapore at July 22th which is a Wednesday During 8.34 to 9.44.
The Peaking hour is at 9.11 which is during school time...
Hope I get a Chance to see !!
I have already put a 'count down' there
Cus Nothing to say le...
Oh Ya!
You don't have to comment just comment the news and the opinions!!

~News And Opinions~ (Week 2)

Ello~! Welcome to My Blog~
Hope that you will comment after reading~XP

White Rabbit Candy Back On Shelves HERE!
The Rabbit has bounced back. And it's two rabbits now.
White Rabbit Creamy Candy is back on Singapore shelves. It is now joined by Golden Rabbit Creamy Candy, the only thing different is the wrapper- shiny, blue-and-gold. You can get the white rabbit candy at any provision shops from June 1. They will be stocked in major supermarkets soon. The White Rabbit candy is made with milk from either Australia or New Zealand. The original Shanghai-made milk candy was yanked off shelves last September after traces of melamine were detected. Besides the candy, well-known Malaysian biscuit brand Julie's has made a reapperance since the melamine scare.
Done The Summary Now For The Opinion (:
I think that now the new and improved version of the white rabbit creamy candy is more reliable and is okay' to be comsumed as melamine is not found in the white rabbit creamy candy as the milk is either made from Australia or New Zealand which does not contain melamine. I think that melamine should never be found in sweet, candies , biscuits or even other food that we consume as if we consume some melamine-which is usually used for making plastics or glue- it will cause some problems such as kidney stones, leading to kidney failure if allowed to accumulate in the body over time.
Done~ Hope you will C0mment~(:

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

~News And Opinions~ (Week 1)

Hey EveryOne~ Welcome to my Bl0g!! Please Comment after you have read finish...
Elder Abuse Cases 'May Rise With The Recession'
Elder Abuse cases are rising with the recessions. Most common are physical abuse and neglect; financial abuse are also on the rise. In the downturn, some struggling couples with young children might neglect the needs of elderly family members, including their medical and basic needs. Last year, 145 reported elder abuse case, down from 168 in 2007. "When people are under pressure and financially strapped, there is a higher chance that they will neglect the elderly..." Ms Helen Ko, executive director of the Centre For Seniors said. The Government sees
three reasons for the elder abuse. First, some adults children are unwilling to look after their aged parents because they claim, the latter had been negligent parents."They saw their own actions now as retribution." Second, there are adult children or relatives with addiction problem such as drugs, gambling and alcohol. They may turn violent and take it out on the elderly. Finally, caregiver stress may lead to elder abuse. These caregivers have trouble coping with the elderly, who are often with medical conditions, and in frustration, turn violent.

Now For the Opinions:
I think that it is very WRONG to abuse the elderly as it is immoral and wrong! We should watch our ACTions as later on in your life your children Might do the same thing to you and that is called 'RETRIBUTION'!!! We should all care for the elderly and be filial to them. I think we should also build good and long lasting relationship within the family and so it will prevent the abusing of the elderly to rise. I think that the Government should also educate the public and to alert those caregivers. Another thing that I think that is with more education, we will be smarter and we will care more for the elderly- in some ways...

DONE!! Please Comment~After Reading~ XP ~ (^(00)^)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

South Korea Stunned By Ex-Leader's Suicide...(Summary and Opinions)

Former president Roh Moo Hyun had jumped to his death in the mountains near his rural home.
The Death could have political repercussions, possibly strengthening opposition to the current administration."I can't imagine the countless agonies down the road.Too Many people suffered because of me, the rest of my life would only be a burden for others."Extracts From a Suicide Note in former president Roh Moo Hyun's Computer.
After Leaving his family a suicide note, Mr Roh, 62, threw himself off a cliff known to locals as Owl's Rock while on a morning hike, police and former Chief of staff Moon Jae In said.Halfway up the 100metre cliff, Mr Roh made his death leap after distracting his security guard.
Mr Roh died from Massive head injuries.His apparent suicide-the first in South Korea by an ex-president-stunned the nation.
President Lee Myung Bak said yesterday that the news was "truly hard to believe" and called the predecessor's death "sad and tragic".The manner of Mr Roh 's death could hurt Mr Lee and deepen the left-right divide in the country, some analysts fear of.
Yesterday, hundreds of Mr Roh's supporters and lawmakers of the main opposition Democratic
Party denounced prosecutors for what they called an "unreasonable and indiscriminate" investigation into the Roh family.

In my point of view,I think that commiting suicide will not solve problems and if we have any problems or difficulty we should approach an adult or parents or even teachers for help...Mr Roh
maybe is in a very stressful state and had no choice or people to turn to for help, but to commit
suicide.There are some other way to reduce stress...Some examples get more rest or sleep.....

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

News And Opinions...

1.In 2009, charities are bracing themselves for the worst year, 2009. Corporate funding dip into
the last quarter of 2008. The red cross says they would be expecting the donation to fall by at least 20 percent in 2009.The Singapore Red Cross raised S$180,000 late February this year-2008.The Red Cross' annual operation costs up to about S$6Million, S$3.5 Million is coming from the government.

I think lesser people will donate money to the charities as the Singapore Kidney Foundation chairman Richard Yong was found laundering money.I would like to donate money to the charities if they are honest not laundering the money.

2.Singapore Flyer stopped spinning in the afternoon.It stopped for about 7Hours.7People were rescued out from the cabin.It has been the second time the flyer stopped spinning.The
first time was at July.143People were struck in the flyer.Some tourists were struck in the flyer and missed the flight and had to take the other flight.Some tourists or locals were
hungry and tired, some even pass out their waste in the cabin.On that day, there's a wedding
going on at the flyer and they said they are very lucky they did not went in the flyer and got

I think that I were very lucky not to be struck up there in the flyer and had go hungry for several hours and had to bear with the smelly smell of the waste in the cabin.I felt so lucky!
But if I were up there I would enjoy the nice view from the top of the flyer.But I would also said for a refund.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

News and Opinions...

1.The number of litterbugs caught has rise since the last two years.Over the 1050 offenders, 60 percent of the offenders are young people ages of 20 to 30 years old.In 2006, only 122 offenders were issued with the CWOs.S$37Million of taxpayers' money is spent each year for cleaning services on the streets.

I think they should not litter as it will make the environment very dirty, and the government will have to waste millions of money to hire cleaners to clean up the roads and streets, therefore if the government needs more money to hire cleaners, renter fees for the shop will increase, the owner of the shop will increase the prices of the things they sell, it will affect all of us. We should always keep the environment clean and green.

2.The wife of Singapore National Kidney Foundation chairman,Richard Yong was sentenced
in court on Tuesday after pleading guilty to money washing in Hong Kong.66, Madam On's
case has been postponed to Friday as the Judge needs more time to look through the documents. Madam On had pleaded guilty for helping his husband transferring US S$2.6Million from their joint account.Madam On faces a maximum jail term of 10 years
and a fine.

I think we should earn money honestly not to wash money and not cheat people's hard earned money.I think that Madam On should have a longer jail term and have a heavy
fine for she had done something dishonest; laundering money of National Kidney Foundation.If I were one of the people who donated money to the NKF, I would not donate
to them anymore money.