Sunday, May 24, 2009

South Korea Stunned By Ex-Leader's Suicide...(Summary and Opinions)

Former president Roh Moo Hyun had jumped to his death in the mountains near his rural home.
The Death could have political repercussions, possibly strengthening opposition to the current administration."I can't imagine the countless agonies down the road.Too Many people suffered because of me, the rest of my life would only be a burden for others."Extracts From a Suicide Note in former president Roh Moo Hyun's Computer.
After Leaving his family a suicide note, Mr Roh, 62, threw himself off a cliff known to locals as Owl's Rock while on a morning hike, police and former Chief of staff Moon Jae In said.Halfway up the 100metre cliff, Mr Roh made his death leap after distracting his security guard.
Mr Roh died from Massive head injuries.His apparent suicide-the first in South Korea by an ex-president-stunned the nation.
President Lee Myung Bak said yesterday that the news was "truly hard to believe" and called the predecessor's death "sad and tragic".The manner of Mr Roh 's death could hurt Mr Lee and deepen the left-right divide in the country, some analysts fear of.
Yesterday, hundreds of Mr Roh's supporters and lawmakers of the main opposition Democratic
Party denounced prosecutors for what they called an "unreasonable and indiscriminate" investigation into the Roh family.

In my point of view,I think that commiting suicide will not solve problems and if we have any problems or difficulty we should approach an adult or parents or even teachers for help...Mr Roh
maybe is in a very stressful state and had no choice or people to turn to for help, but to commit
suicide.There are some other way to reduce stress...Some examples get more rest or sleep.....